Simplify your Disaster Recovery Strategy with Sysfore

Traditional DR comes with complex physical environments and enormous CAPEX costs due to application dependencies, and it’s become inevitable that organizations need to take into account the criticality of having a DR solution in place to secure their future.

Sysfore’s disaster recovery (DR) on cloud service is designed to ensure business continuity and high availability services to ensure that your recovery is seamless.

With Disaster Recovery Cloud Services You Experience:

  • Huge cost reductions in CAPEX – You don’t pay for manpower, license, power/space cost etc.
  • Reduction in complexity –  Setting DR on Cloud is fairly less complex as compared to setting it up on physical infrastructure. Save yourself a lot of time and effort of rebuilding your primary at DR.
  • Reduction in OPEX costs – Keep your DR VMs in off state when they are not replicating.
  • Easy maintenance- The Sysfore team uses innovative techniques to automate laborious tasks such as keeping your PR and DR in sync, monitoring the replication, doing DR drills and mock tests.


Disaster Recovery on Cloud is ideal for you if :

  • Your PR environment is already virtualized.
  • Cost constraints are getting in the way of implementing an adequate DR solution.
  • You operate in a highly regulated industry environment like – banking, manufacturing, media etc
  • You already subscribed to our cloud solutions.

For more on how you can implement a disaster recovery solution with Sysfore for your business, please write to us on Get your Free Case Study on DraaS here!!

10 Ways to Trim Your Cloud Computing Costs

Cloud computing can make your business run smoothly, free from costly data centers and servers; but it also adds additional IT costs. Keeping track of your monthly cloud computing bills isn’t easy. The typical bill is complex and made up of dozens of different factors, such as CPU core, storage units, RAM size and data transfers.

To keep your cloud spending whether in Azure or Amazon cloud, under control, you need a cost optimization plan. There are many ways an organization can optimize cloud, in terms of performance and cost. You need to strike a balance between them; shed any unnecessary applications; know where your users are; and negotiate rather than accept published cloud prices.

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Containers v/s Virtual Machines – which is best for your cloud?

The cloud deployments today are based on virtual machines, but Containers offer another significant option for the users. The question of which Cloud deployment method to choose is entirely based on three primary factors:

  • Functional differences between VMs and containers,
  • Level of interdependence between private and public cloud components,
  • Users’ willingness to customize their own cloud platform.

Understanding the difference:

Virtual Machines and Containers represent two different ways to create virtual resources that run applications. The difference between containers and VMs is primarily in the location of the virtualization layer and the way that operating system resources are used.

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