Top 5 Ways Financial Services Are Leveraging Cloud Technology

The cloud isn’t quite popular in the financial sector, as it is in other industries. The financial sector deals with highly sensitive and valuable data and because of certain misconceptions about the cloud being unsecure in nature, IT leaders have been very skeptical in adopting cloud technology. But, things are changing and the financial industry is beginning to realize the improvements in operations offered by the cloud. Thus, many IT decision makers in the industry have started to “make the move”. But, there’s one simple question that pops-up when it comes to adopting the cloud – What are banks and insurance companies using the cloud for?


In this article, we have discussed the top 5 ways financial sector can leverage cloud:

Back-office systems: Hosting back-office systems in the cloud eliminates the need to deal with hardware procurement and maintenance, power and cooling, and staff utilization for regular maintenance activities. Although back-office systems are critical for any financial organization, it is an easy way to test the working of the cloud without feeling like a customer-facing system being put to risk. HR / Payroll / Time Tracking Applications, CRM, Office 365 and Digital workloads (website, email, etc.) are some of the most common applications being moved to the cloud.


Customer-facing applications: With the constant rise in customer portals and mobile applications, banks and insurance companies have been migrating their customer-facing applications to the cloud. Using the cloud reduces the need to worry about scalability and agility as compared to using the in-house management which is expensive and faces challenges in accommodating traffic fluctuations.


Policy-management systems: The insurance companies have started accepting cloud as the practical solution to host their insurance policy management systems. These hold critical customer information like policies, new claims, background checks, etc. And, since the supporting infrastructure needs to be compliant to store such information, HIPAA and PCI-compliant clouds are an ideal choice for insurance organizations.


Uptime and Disaster Recovery (DR): The use of customer portals and mobile applications also demand the banks and other financial organizations to be online and in service 24×7. The legacy disaster recovery solutions are not only slow and expensive but also hardware intensive for modern day financial institutions. By adopting cloud DR solutions, financial institutions can follow compliance requirements and reduce downtime at a fraction of the cost of their legacy DR solutions.


Business Intelligence and Analytics: Digitalization of banking processes has led to the generation of massive amounts of customer data. Companies know that this data can be mined to get meaningful insights in real-time and has to be stored somewhere. The cloud enables data storage in HIPAA and PCI-compliant manner and ensures that the sensitive information collected by banks and insurance companies is absolutely secure and available. Cloud is also scalable and eliminates the problem of quickly changing resource requirements for business analytics.


Identifying the right application, specific to the finance industry, can put a whole lot of obligations on the internal teams of an organization. Thus, working with a reputed service provider is a worthwhile solution.


At Sysfore, we have worked with thousands of enterprises of all sizes helping them identify business breakthroughs that the Cloud can enable. We examine your business requirements holistically and help you migrate to Cloud to increase business effectiveness.

If you have questions about how you can leverage the cloud for your organization, get in touch with our experts by writing to us at or call us at +91-80-41105555.

6 Steps To Build A Scalable Cloud Infrastructure

Shifting an IT infrastructure to cloud is not a question of if but when. The current trend shows a continuous decline in the use of on-premises infrastructure or internal private cloud. According to Gartner, “an average organization expects to triple its allocated share of capacity to public cloud services across the next two or three years”.

Many senior business leaders believe that cloud offers the scale and flexibility needed to support the operating model transformation at the speeds unmatched by internal IT organizations. It helps to speed up new product development by innovating, delivering digital services to customers.


In this article, we’ll discuss the six steps which every IT team must follow to build a scalable cloud infrastructure:

1. Determine the role of cloud in your enterprise’s digital strategy: Today, every organization needs to be efficient in terms of agility, scalability, and cost optimization. While developing the cloud strategy for your organization, start by examining how cloud can enable your business activities instead of starting with a perspective of corporate IT.

2. Determine the priorities and trade-offs: Before you collaborate with a business partner, determine the priorities and trade-offs between speed, cost and risk. Educating your business partners about the cloud and its required trade-offs is an important part of developing a wider digital understanding of the enterprise.

3. Begin with simple projects and build up on them: Today, digital priorities of organizations are changing so rapidly that every strategy needs to be flexible in order to meet the changes in demand. Adopt a test-and-learn approach by beginning with projects that are less complex in nature and building iteratively to high-value efforts. Read more

Transform Your Business With Microsoft Dynamics 365

Today, organizations need intelligent business solutions to grow, evolve, meet the changing customer needs and market requirements to capture new opportunities in the process.

But, there are times when

  • Businesses are worried about their continuity due to employee movements, competition, inherent inefficiencies, low productivity, etc.
  • There are issues with Inventory Management
  • Improper sales forecasts are made
  • There is a mismatch between the demand and supply
  • Employees get lost mid-way when multiple tasks pile up and affecting the business productivity

What organizations need are intelligent applications that work together seamlessly over the cloud. This is where Microsoft Dynamics 365 comes into the picture. It allows business applications to work together and smoothly across CRM and ERP systems and offers business intelligence, flexibility, and growth and transforms businesses in such a way that they can respond to the specific business requirements efficiently through custom-built apps. Microsoft Dynamics 365 lets you manage and run your business while enabling you to:

  • Engage with customers by building personalized experiences across all customer touchpoints,
  • Empower their employees by offering familiar tools to turn big data into actionable insights,
  • Optimize their operations with the help of predictive guidance through intelligent applications, and
  • Transform products and business models by making them more proactive.

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