Does Your Business Have Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plans?

The terms Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR or BC/DR) are confused quite often. Both are interrelated and its necessary for organizations to make these plans together instead of making them separately. This is a condition given that, both describe how prepared an organization is on recovering from an unforeseen event or disaster (manmade or natural).

When a disaster strikes, it’s important to know how your plans for recovering from the data loss and facilities, will help you. It’s understanding the difference between the two plans. Both Amazon and Microsoft Azure have features which facilitate in Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans.

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Challenges of Identity and Access Management in the Cloud

Cloud Computing has completely changed the way Identity and Access Management (IAM) is performed in organizations who operate on the cloud. A few years ago, the typical scenario would have been the IT department giving remote access to specific people and only for a few applications. This has changed now, with the employees accessing company resources from their personal devices over unsecure networks.

In order to protect their assets, the security measures should include encryption, logging and monitoring, role-based access control and more. The Cloud SaaS, PaaS and IaaS services offered by Azure and Amazon Web Services, has mandated that the organizations integrate the IAM practices, processes and procedures in a scalable, effective and efficient manner.

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Top Cloud Enterprise Trends To Watch Out in 2016

The new year of 2016 heralds a thorough look at what will trend or fall flat in the enterprise cloud environment. Every business should review their strategic plans to include new technologies and update their existing plans accordingly. Here is a look at the new trends that will shape the way cloud computing will drive businesses in 2016.

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