DevOps on the AWS Platform

DevOps on AWS has always been a critical business decision for many businesses. Its becoming important for businesses to analyse when to use native tools and applications and when they need to turn to a third party partner to help them manage their infrastructure, especially if they are opting to use the public cloud for their devops strategy.

AWS has two key features like scalability and API automation which makes it the go to platform for a DevOps model. However, the challenge arises when enterprises using legacy systems for the longest time, treat Ops as a secondary decision in the business.

Sysfore Technologies, a Bangalore based cloud management provider and AWS partner, helps businesses move to DevOps on AWS.

Sysfore’s transition from web hosting to cloud computing, and shifting from  siloed working groups to DevOps, took some years to implement. We had many challenges from customer demand for newer services and getting people with the right skill set to gain the internal expertise required to manage this platform. But today, we have seen immense growth and we keep adding new products, services and functionalities in our AWS portfolio .Says Ajith Mathew George- CTO- Sysfore Technologies.

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Cloud Security Roadblocks – Think about these!

Organizations are jumping on the cloud bandwagon in drove these days. The latest survey by RightScale Inc., a cloud portfolio control service, indicates more than 90% of agencies are using some  form of cloud technology. They are concerned with the cloud security roadblocks that businesses face repeatedly.

Considering the wide interest in this cloud movement, cloud security is foremost on their minds. What’s stopping them from fully adopting cloud technology is the fear that cloud computing can’t be trusted because you aren’t in control of the data outside your network.

Questions like “how is my data stored? Is it encrypted? Are there access control methods in place, which will prevent unauthorized access.” and many more are on the minds of managers.

cloud security roadblocks
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Why Cloud is Perfect for Backup & Disaster Recovery.

As per IDC, “by 2020 United States alone will generate 6.6 zettabytes of data, up from 898 exabytes in 2012”.

These figures clearly indicate that a lot of companies are now open to adding a Cloud component in their disaster recovery and backup strategy. Perhaps the era of tape backups and disks are on the verge of hitting rock bottom with the Cloud reaching its maturity.

Quite often a lot of our clients ask us why we always ask them to move to the cloud? Our answers are straight forward.

The cloud offers automated, third-party-administered, subscription-based services that let businesses either rely just on the cloud or employ a hybrid approach. Regardless of what method you use, not backing your files and apps can have drastic consequences.

Even though moving to the Cloud is a more sensible but debatable scenario, many enterprises are still set in their ways of using tapes and disks to back their critical data.

So why is this bad for your business going forward?

  • Tapes and disks mean manual administration. This means this system is prone to alot of errors resulting to greater risks.
  • We talked about 6.6 Zettabytes of data being generated by 2020. Can you imagine backing all this data on tapes? On a normal day, a mid sized company can take hours, days or even weeks to back all their systems. So how long would 6.6 Zettabytes of data take? A ridiculous amount of time. So use the cloud.

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