Beyond Disaster Recovery – Becoming Business Resilient

Any risk, whether opportunity or threat, requires a response from your business. This is what keeps the money rolling in. Whether it’s a planned or unplanned risk, your business resilience is what differentiates your response to this risk. If you respond inappropriately or too slowly, you could lose ground to your competitors.

Business Resilience 2

Often there is confusion between Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. Typically Business Continuity plans describe how an organization can recover and resume business operations following a disruptive incident. By contrast, Disaster Recovery plans describe the steps to take to recover and restore normal operations to IT infrastructure elements, such as networks, servers, data centers, operating systems, applications and data.

Understanding Business Resilience

Resilience is the ability of a business or organization to return to its original operational status after it has been impacted by a disruptive or disastrous event.
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Hadoop and Big Data Analytics

Gartner defines Big Data as “high volume, velocity and variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making”.

Big data is data that, by virtue of its velocity, volume, or variety (the three Vs), cannot be easily stored or analyzed with traditional methods.

Big Data Characteristics

The term covers each and every piece of data your organization has stored till now. It includes all the data stored both on-premises or in the cloud. It could be papers, digital, structured and non-structured data within your company.
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Is your business ready for Open Source Databases?

The world is waking to an open source environment where the benefits outweighs more than the drawbacks. In the older days, the closed environment of the Database Management Systems (DBMSs) offered limited choice for enterprises when choosing a database. The open source as an industry is now offering the use of open-source databases where you can customize your system as per your requirements and develop it to suit your needs.

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