Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) on Azure

Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) is the buzzword right now in the business corridors. The increased number of mobile devices with numerous apps for making your work easy, and the ability to work from anywhere, has made it a challenging task for businesses. Add to this, the important need to provide security and authorized access to your sensitive data.

Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) is a comprehensive cloud solution to address your consumerization of IT, Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD), and cloud SaaS challenges.

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Feature Enhancements In Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS)

The growing Cloud environment and the constant need to provide better services, has Microsoft adding new capabilities to its Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS). EMS is a subscription service bundle consisting of Azure Active Directory Premium, Azure Rights Management and Intune. Using Azure AD’s identity and access management services, EMS enables control over who uses your apps in the Cloud.  Azure RMS secures sensitive data and files by configuring access policies to certain types of data. It is platform independent and can be configured in a cloud-only or on-premise setup. The Intune provides key solutions for device and applications management. 

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Application Insights for Visual Studio Online

Building successful apps is a continuous delivery and constant process, with focus on speed to market and evolution. This requires making successful decisions based on user behaviour and habits. Application Insights for Visual Studio Online gives you a great insight into how, when and where your website is used.

Application Insights allows you to find performance issues earlier, diagnose crashes faster, and get smarter about your users with a 360° view of your apps and services. Using this Visual Studio Online service, allows you to manage your website smoothly in the cloud.


Visual Studio Online Application Insights


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